Dear Dr. Chernly,
Grace, and Staff,
Thank you for the exceptional care
you give; for your compassion; for your willingness to go the extra mile;
and for always interacting with your patients with the highest degree of
May God bless all of you and keep
you in good health.
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Dear Dr. Chernly,
I am taking this opportunity to send you a letter to thank you for your help. I
would love for you to let your clients read this because I sincerely believe in
you and in acupuncture.
I am going to give a brief history of my life in the past four years - of my
struggle and battle with cancer. I was 32 years old. Since that time I've
spent more than 400 days in the hospital recovering from surgeries, blood clots,
chemotherapy and even a bone marrow transplant. I felt like my body was
operating on a 60 to 70 - percent energy level - and I suffered from fatigue and
nausea daily. During the past four years, I had become dependent on pain pills
because of the extreme pain from the chemotherapy and was taking around 100 pain
pills a week.
After the bone marrow transplant in September 1997. I experienced nausea most of
the time and consequently lost 45 pounds. When I met you in March 1998, my
cancer had just returned for the fourth time and I had already taken two
chemotherapy treatments. I was running on about 60 percent energy and I felt
just downright miserable.
I am now 36 years old and have been sick for so long that I had forgotten how to
feel well. After seeing you and being treated by you, my quality of life has
taken a drastic change. Even though I am still taking chemotherapy, I feel
great. I am a person again and my energy levels have almost returned to what
they were before I ever got sick! The vomiting has virtually stopped - which is
good because my oncologist wants me to gain 20 pounds (I've gained 12 pounds so
far). For me to gain weight while undergoing chemotherapy is extraordinary! Since my acupuncture treatments, which I take weekly the day before I do a
chemotherapy treatment, I have gotten sick only once. My addiction to pain pills
stopped three days after the first treatment and I have remained off them since
that time with the exception of one or two that I take in conjunction with
chemo. Getting off the pain pills is a major accomplishment. My energy level has
gone from 60 percent to about 90 percent. My down time with
chemotherapy is only one day, which is a drastic change from the past when I
would be sick for four to five days. I feel alive again and that is truly a
wonderful experience!
Many factors have helped me get to this point. First is my faith in God and his
plans for me. Second is my wife and my love for her, and her help and
determination that we will survive. Third is my love for life and everything
about it. Fourth is my job and the people I work with and my clients. My job is
good therapy for me.
The only thing I would change if I had to do this all over again would be to meet
you sooner. Your care and treatment have improved my quality of life so much
that I have to speak out. If I would have known you earlier, much pain and
sickness could have been avoided.
"I has allergy all year long,
stuffy nose, sneezing, nose blowing all the time and the congestion causes
me bad headache. I started my treatment once a week around mid January. After first treatment, my allergy was much better and
I had less allergy headache. At the fourth week, I found myself not sneezing
at all lately, which was amazing because most of people around me
are suffering from bad allergy due to the weather change. Thanks to
Dr. Chung, Dr. Wang and therapists. Now,
I am going to try acupuncture to help my lower back pain and quit smoking."
---- S.D.
Back Pain
(TOP )
Dr Chernly's case studies)
This team of Doctors
and family members are very good at what they do. If you have never
experienced Acupuncture, then try it, you will be rewarded with the gift of
reduced paid. I ask the Doctor what is it that works so well? He said it is
a gift from God and because it allows healing to begin. I am convinced, you
will be also." --- H.L.
"I am a truck driver and had been
used to having pain in my lower back when driving long hours. With only 3 treatments, my lower back pain is gone.
I am still not used to no pain when driving. The result is amazing!!!"
---- S.D.
Dear Dr. Chernly,
It is with great pleasure and gratitude that I write this testimonial to Chernly
Acupuncture Center.
For three long years I was in
constant pain, night and day. Pain being in
lower left back, and
left leg from knee
ankle. Normal accomplishments down to almost
After X-ray, mylograms, cat-scans-- celebres, neurotin, each with negative
Then two surgeons, pain clinic and
ten weeks of therapy at finally.
Those nights were mostly sleepless, ending in a dreary morning and a day with few
After ten visits to Chernly Acupuncture Center, the pain has changed from nine
to two, and often no pain. I sleep at night and awaken with energy to greet a
wonderful world.
Chernly Acupuncture Center is a giant step toward healing a trouble body.
I am forever grateful.
Our very best to
Grace & the staff.
Dear Dr. Chernly:
Since July of last year I had been struggling daily with
pain associated with a muscle spasm in my back. Before seeking
treatment from your office, I received treatment from a chiropractor (some
results,) my family physician (no results, even with pain medication and muscle
relaxants,) an orthopedic doctor (minor results with injections into my back,)
and a physical therapist (again, little improvement.) Frankly, I had almost
given up hope that I would ever feel normal again.
Fortunately for me, you opened your office on Harwood. I saw the sign one day
while I was driving by and was intrigued by the idea of acupuncture. I had read
some about it, even knew it worked in principle, but had never experienced
acupuncture for myself. So I stopped in to get some information. your
receptionist was pleasant, and offered to let me talk to you right away to get
my questions answered. I decided to start treatment the next day.
Immediately after my first treatment (which was relatively painless,) I noticed
a small improvement. Although some of the methods were foreign to me, I figured
I should give the treatment a chance to work. I am happy to report that two
months later I am almost completely back to normal. I actually have days where I
don't notice my back problem at all! I honestly feel like if it wasn't for the
care administered by you and your wonderful staff, I'd still be suffering today.
Thank you for helping my body to heal. You can be certain I'll recommend your
practice to anyone I meet in need of relief from pain.
May God bless you and your staff.
P.S. The three treatments you provided to my pregnant wife to help alleviate her
headaches were literally God-sent. Not being able to take any
medications, she was constantly in pain due to sinus pressure. Acupuncture
allowed her to feel almost normal again (as normal as you can when you're
Hi Dr. Chernly and
What a blessing you all are to those who suffer.
Thank you for your kind touches and caring.
(Even though the kind “touches” are 10 inch swords in my
back! ^_^)
I want to tell you – your support emotionally as well as
physically during this time of intense pain meant so much to me.
And – the most miraculous event has occurred in my life –
HE has touched me!
That is why I have not needed to return for treatment.
Sunday morning (I had been with you for 2 treatments
Sat.) – I went to church – in much pain. After church a friend put his hands
on my back and prayed for
God’s healing touch. Instantly, I felt warmth radiating and I
felt as if another “presence” was within me. It was the Holy Spirit. I could
jump up and down and twist and bend and I am perfect now.
If I begin to feel a tightening or an ache in my
lower back, I ask the Lord to take it away and it is gone. I am
free of pain and totally mobile and complete range of motion! Blessed be the
“I am the LORD that healeth
thee”, Exodus 15:26
“And the prayer of faith will heal the sick and the LORD will raise him
up.” James 5:15. Thank you for your ministry of healing hands as
well. I know you were praying over me as you worked on me.
In Him

and Mrs. Chernly,
Thank you both for all that
you have done for me. I pray that God would bless you and your family.
You both have been such a blessing to me.
Dr. Chernly:
I would like to express my profound appreciation for your compassionate
professionalism and the expertise with which you are treating my pinched
When I initially consulted with you on March 25, 1999 I had been informed by
an orthopedic surgeon following an MRI
that the only satisfactory method of treatment would be immediate surgery
and the general prognosis was less than favorable due to my previous two cervical operations and my
spinal fusion.
I was disabled and had been unable to perform the most basic needs known to
womankind – that of styling my hair and dressing in less that excruciating
Three months of uncertainly led me to you. Having completed approximately
50% of the treatment regimen you prescribed, I am performing limited range
of motion activities with the left shoulder and arm and have every
confidence that I shall be fully functional when my swimming instructor
specifies … I feel reborn to say the least!!
This high standard of care and dedication to patient well-being is
exceedingly rare in today’s climate of managed health care. Accordingly, I
would also like to commend the efficiency of your entire staff for the
genuine concern they dispense with unfailing cheerfulness and dedicated
competence – “Team Chernly” has EVERY
REASON to be proud.
Again, please accept my sincere thanks.
Kindest Regards,)
Grace and
Dr. Chernly
I want to thank you for the wonderful results of my visit and treatment. Two
days later and I had
no symptoms of pain in my back! I
will come back again because during the ice storms I slightly re-injured it
again. I have told many people about you and hope my friends will experience
acupuncture through your excellent care.
Thank you again for the marvelous results!
Sincerely yours,
Dear 陳醫師
其實我們並不是 ”享受” 您們的醫藥,我們更 ”享受”
您們的友誼與信任。 尤其聽您們述說神的恩典及祂奇妙的作為,更覺得您們的家是神活生生的見證。
Dr. Chernly
A short note to say thank you for your wonderful treatment, for my
sciatic nerve problem, and to let you know I am fully recovered.
I am a working testimonial to your expertise and professionalism. You are
congratulated for the wonderful service you perform.
My best wishes and prayers to you and your family
(TOP )
Dr Chernly's case studies)
Thank you
Dr. Chernly,
After all the "Election Stress" Nov. 2nd, I took a terrible cold, with
a headache that wouldn't go away, even
with medicine which I loathed to take. On Nov. 17th, with one treatment in
your office, and a massage with Stephanie,
who was by the way excellent, I slept without the recurring headache, Wow!
Thank you very much again.
And I will be thinking of you all!
(TOP )
Dear Dr.
Chernly &
We can not thank you enough for all you did for us last fall. After several
years filled with miscarriage, heartache and too many infertility treatments to count, we thought we would try
acupuncture before giving up our hopes of being parents. We were lucky
enough to find you and your clinic.
It is still unbelievable to us that after trying so many other things, we
became pregnant within the first month of acupuncture treatments. What a
blessing! And now our long awaited prayers are answered and our little Katie
is here.
We wish you continued success in helping other couples become families as
well. We look forward to seeing you next summer as we begin plans for
Katie’s little brother or sister! Thank you again.
Forever thankful,

Given to us by God above,
A darling daughter for us to love
June 18, 2004
10:19 a.m.
7 pounds 4 ounces
19 1/2 inches
Baby Katie
at 1 year old
Katie's baby brother, Colton James, born on August 22, 2006

With all
our love,
we welcome
into our hearts
August 22, 2006 at 12:13 pm
7 pounds 7 ounces & 20 1/2 inches
(See Related
Dr. Chernly and
Hello from Valdez, Alaska where I have survived another winter. I am writing to
say THANK YOU for your services that I received while in Texas. To refresh your
memories I am the woman who was going to Charlottes massage school. Your
treatments worked. I am eleven weeks pregnant, very happy, and very grateful.
Thanks again for balancing out my system.
Dr Chernly's case studies)
Knee Pain
(TOP )
Dear Dr. Chernly,
It is with great pleasure and gratitude that I write this testimonial to Chernly
Acupuncture Center.
For three long years I was in
constant pain, night and day. Pain being in
lower left back, and
left leg from knee
ankle. Normal accomplishments down to almost
After X-ray, mylograms, cat-scans-- celebres, neurotin, each with negative
Then two surgeons, pain clinic and
ten weeks of therapy at finally.
Those nights were mostly sleepless, ending in a dreary morning and a day with few
After ten visits to Chernly Acupuncture Center, the pain has changed from nine
to two, and often no pain. I sleep at night and awaken with energy to greet a
wonderful world.
Chernly Acupuncture Center is a giant step toward healing a trouble body.
I am forever grateful.
Our very best to
Grace & the staff.
P.S. If
the pain returns, I will be back.
Dr Chernly's case studies)
Dear Dr. Chernly,
I would like to thank you for the acupuncture treatment I received Dec. 27th.
I have not had any
pain in my knee since
then. It feels wonderful.
I thank God that my daughter, Melanie, found you and that your treatments are
really helping her. She really thanks the world of you and Grace and all the
girls that work for you. If I lived in Texas I would come for a treatment all
the time. I have been telling all my friends about the acupuncture and they all
want to go now for a treatment.
I would appreciate it if you could recommend someone in the New York or
Connecticut area that does acupuncture.
Thank you again and God Bless You
Regards to
Neck Pain
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Dr Chernly's case studies)

Doctor Chernly:
Thank you for the wonderful treatment you have performed on my neck. As you
know, I was told to leave the accounting profession and resort to surgery.
Thanks to you I have had the least painful tax season since 1979 when I
originally injured my neck.
You are truly a blessing from God!
: )
Pain is Gone!
In February '99 an MRI
indicated I needed a third neck surgery for a severely pinched nerve affecting my neck and totally disabling my left arm.
I simply could not go through that again. The severe and unrelenting pain
made sleep impossible in spite of all the medication I was taking!
I started acupuncture
treatment with Dr. Chernly on March 25th, a day I won't forget. By June, 75%
of the mobility and NO PAIN!
Acupuncture works!
(TOP )
(Dr. Chernly, I am profoundly grateful to you and thank
you from the bottom of my heart, for the accurate diagnosis you made on my
condition. So far no one has helped me in the medical community!
I am waiting on an appointment with a Dr. of infections
diseases, and only pray that I will receive some relief.
I will see you again after this is all resolved. If you
have any other suggestions, please call 817-xxx-xxxx. Thank you again.
PS. Will write to my Congressman!)
Subject: Happy Patient
Dr. Chernly:
This letter is to acknowledge
Dr. Wang,
Mrs. Chernly
Office Staff:
You all are one of the most professional groups of individuals that I have had
the pleasure of meeting in a health care setting. I am a Registered Nurse with
over thirty years of experience in the Emergency Department as a Director.
Teaching sensitive customer service was a primary project for me in our hospital
where I worked for those thirty years. You and your staff should be teaching the
emergency department personnel how to treat patients. In my last position I
worked with person's in over 365 hospital emergency departments thereby being
able to identify above excellent delivery of customer service.
Dr. Wang is wonderful. She sat at the
initial meeting and interviewed me in a most professional manner. She listened
carefully and then told me what she was going to do. She took care to see to my
comfort at the time of each of my visits. After the first treatment I felt
significantly improved as I did at each subsequence visit.
Lucy (with the Magic Hands) is, as I am sure
you must know, absolutely outstanding in her delivery of the therapeutic
massage. She always paid special attention to my personal comfort. Needless to
say I felt 99% improved after the total body massage.
From the first time I called for an appointment, and received one the same day,
the office staff has been great. Entry and exit of the system was done very
smoothly. Mrs. Chernly always greets me with
a smile. The cleanliness of the environment is to be commended.
And lastly to you
Dr. always
have a gracious smile. Thank you for providing the Acupuncture Center for all of
us who need your wonderful service.
Best Regards,
Dr. Chung-Hwei Chernly
We want to thank you for all the help you were able to give our mother. We
will remain forever grateful to you and your staff.)
Ovarian Cyst
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Subject: Thank you!
Dear Dr. Chernly,
I just wanted to thank you for everything you have been able to do for me.
I cannot imagine what it would have been like to go through surgery to
have ovarian cysts removed.
In my recent follow up visit with my Gynecologist, she commented on how amazed
she was that the cysts completely disappeared within a months time. She even
asked for your card to set up an appointment for herself!
The benefits of your acupuncture went far beyond what I'd hoped for, and I am
The rest of your staff is wonderful. Please convey my thanks to all of them as
Thank you and best regards,
(TOP )
Dr. Chernly
A short note to say thank you for your wonderful treatment, for my
sciatic nerve problem, and to let you know I am fully recovered.
I am a walking testimonial to your expertise and professionalism. You are
congratulated for the wonderful service you perform.
My best wishes and prayers to you and your family.
Weight Loss
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Dr. Chernly,
Last Sat., May 11, 2000, I had my first acupuncture
treatment for weight loss. I have been feeling badly for about 6
years now.
I have always been overweight. I was born a 7lb. baby, but by 5 yrs old, I got
about 30 lbs overweight. I gained 100 lbs when I started my periods at 11 yrs
old. I got married and got on the pill, I gained another 120 lbs.
In Feb, 1981, I had a stomach stapling, (gastric partition) at the San Diego
University Hospital. I lost only 45 lbs, when I needed to lose 165 lbs to be a
normal weight. I was on Phen-Phen for 3 to 4 yrs, which just helped me maintain
the same weight, but I never lost.
My ankles started to get swollen and on Aug., 27, 1994, I was admitted to HEB
Hospital with extremely high blood pressure, tho' they found no ill effects of
the Phen-Phen. I have been in this state since then.
I remember as you were beginning the treatment I said "IN JESUS' NAME.' ..and
you agreed. It was right then, I knew that this was the answer for me. I FEEL
People have asked me if the pills you gave me are drugs, but I know they are
not, since I still get sleepy, still rest, but I feel wonderful. I remember
taking pills that could keep me up for 2 days!
I have done things I have not been able to do. I usually go to work, get home,
sit on the couch, get up to cook, eat, and go to bed. This has been my
life for several years now. I didn't go out in public much, I was just existing!
I can hardly wait what I will have to say in 6 months.
For now, I will thank you and send all of God's blessings on you and
Grace, that you will continue to help us all, and that you and your
family have good health and prosperity and all God's blessings have to
offer....I will write as we go along.